Women’s Transformational Retreats That Will Change Your Life

Women's Transformational Retreats That Will Change Your Life

Of all the things that have transformed my life in a truly holistic way, working with and getting to know Brandilyn Tebo has been one of my absolute favorites.

Brandilyn is a woman of many talents and ambitions; notably, she’s an author, a transformational coach, a retreat host, and a speaker. She helps people, through many methods, understand what they truly desire in life, and then helps them create an extraordinary life in that image.

Additionally, Brandilyn is a great friend of both mine and Scott’s, and being able to watch her continuously help people tap into their authentic selves on an ongoing basis is nothing short of a privilege. No matter what life questions you have, Brandilyn will help you work through them without judgment; she’s just awesome!

With her newest immersive experience, The YES Event, coming up, I wanted to share a little about Brandilyn and why you should join this life-changing event if it calls to you!

Women's Transformational Retreats That Will Change Your Life


Women’s Transformational Retreats That Will Change Your Life


The Yes Event

“Discover how to activate freedom, fulfillment, and sexiness in your life.”

The Yes (or Yessssssss) Event is a women’s-only two day live event at the Norris Theatre in Rancho Palos Verdes in which Brandilyn speaks, does live 1-1 coaching on stage, and facilitates group healing among the attendees (not to mention there will be some fabulous musical performances as well).

The next Yes Event lands on March 30 & 31, 2019, and will focus on how to stop reacting to your life and start creating it, stop waiting for permission from others, clear limiting beliefs, take control of our lives, and get access to the best versions of ourselves that we can possibly be.

Note: The early bird price of $144 expires on December 31, 2018, so get your ticket early to save some money! Once you register, all you have to do is show up and be open to all of life’s incredible possibilities. It’s all about creating a “Hell Yes” life!


More Upcoming Women’s Workshops & Retreats


The Shift Weekend Retreats

Every few months in various locations, Brandilyn co-hosts a Shift Weekend (and now they have a Shift for men as well!), in which a group of women congregate to connect with each other, identify and release limiting beliefs, and dive deeper into their authentic selves. These weekends are truly profound in that the women who join form lifelong friendships and inspire each other.

Each woman is worked with individually in a group setting, and through cognitive coaching, inner child work, breath work, meditation, a cacao ceremony, connection exercises, and a myriad of other holistic healing techniques, is encouraged to shift any negative mindsets that may be present and gain an empowering view of her life. The energy in a group session like this is indescribable!

Check out this trailer for the Shift Weekend:


Tuesday Tea & Transformational Talks

One Tuesday each month Brandilyn, along with Kundalini instructor and meditation coach Kris Van Genderen, invites women to join for tea, transformational group coaching, meditation, journaling, and healing breathing techniques.

These events, which happen in Eagle Rock, are a great way to meet other like-minded women on a monthly basis and expand the possibilities in your life!



1-1 Coaching with Brandilyn

Whether you’re interested in a one-time session, a birthday ceremony (a day long transformative experience), or a long-term transformation, working with Brandilyn one-on-one will empower you, help you to identify and release limiting beliefs, and help you obtain a deeper understanding of yourself.

Her coaching methods incorporate Neuro Linguistic Programming, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Somatic Healing and Eastern Philosophies, Nonviolent Communication, and the Work of Byron Katie.

What I find super inspiring in these sessions is that Brandilyn tailors the sessions to the client and comes from a place of understanding to shift them into a higher vibration. Plus, at the end of each session she gives homework exercises that help clients dive even deeper. She has literally transformed my life with her coaching!


Get to Know Brandilyn Tebo

As I mentioned earlier, getting to know Brandilyn has been totally life changing for me and I can personally attest to how awesome she is. That said, if you want to find out a little bit more about what she’s about before you take the plunge into one of her services, check out the resources below.

Women's Transformational Retreats That Will Change Your Life


The Achievement Trap

The Achievement Trap: The Overachiever, People-Pleaser & Perfectionist’s Guide to Freedom and True Success” is an awesome book by Brandilyn that’s about the illusion that our achievements prove our worth. She really lays out that regardless of the games we choose to play with ourselves, we are unconditionally worthy. I totally recommend this book as an awesome way to get to know Brandilyn while uncovering some truths about yourself while you’re at it.





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