10 Best Things to Do in Trinidad & Tobago

Top 10 Things to Do in Trinidad & Tobago

From relaxing in Tobago to experiencing LIME Fete in Trinidad, here are the top ten things to do on a trip to Trinidad and Tobago.

These two gorgeous islands are full of life, vigor, and vibrancy. Whether you’re looking to re-energize yourself with a good party or get in touch with the pulse of the natural world around you, Trinidad & Tobago offer something that’s sure to jolt your system.

In February of this year, I spent over a week exploring these two islands — just before Carnival — and I’ve put together this list of the best things to do in Trinidad and Tobago!

Top 10 Things to Do in Trinidad & Tobago


10 Best Things To Do in Trinidad & Tobago


LIME Fete in Trinidad

Hosted by Hyatt Regency Trinidad, this pre-Carnival concert has only been around since 2011 but has quickly become the must-go party the week before Carnival takes over. This party hosts some of the Caribbean’s biggest names in club music as well as unlimited food, drinks, and entertainment, as long as you stick to the “dress code”—wear white with lime green accents.

Trinidad & Tobago Beaches


Carnival in Trinidad

Ready to party mas? Get in on the Carnival spirit by joining one of the many Mas Bands on the islands. The bands provide music, food, drinks, party transportation, security, and even costumes as you dance the days away—they take care of the details so you can focus on celebrating! And no matter your style there’s a mas band for you, from the prestige and glamor of BLISS or the primal vibe of Down & Dirty J’Ouvert.


Down the Islands Party Boat Ride

If your ideal party involves less crowded dance floor and more fresh air, then a day on Trinidad’s water on an In Joy Tours’ boat cruise might be just the thing. Along with drinks, food, and music, you get access to “down the islands,” a beautiful collection of sandy islets with white sand, flourishing flora, hidden caves, and colorful wildlife. Best of all, the islands are only accessible by boat—meaning you can enjoy a swim and the sun with less of a crowd.

Down the Islands Party Boat Ride Trinidad


Spend the Day out on the Water in Tobago

Tobago has some amazing boating opportunities, too! Whether you take a tour or chart yourself a boat, make sure to take a stop at Buccoo Reef. Buccoo Reef and its nearby sandy shoal, Nylon Pool, is a beautiful reef home to over 40 different species of coral and many more sea creatures. Nearby Pelican Island and No Man’s Land are secluded bits of paradise perfect for a picnic or barbecue lunch.

Buccoo Reef Tobago Island
Buccoo Reef in Tobago


SUP at Pigeon Point Tobago

Pigeon Point, or as it’s more accurately known, Pigeon Point Heritage Park, is often claimed to be Tobago’s most beautiful beach. Pictures of this beach fill photo albums, Instagram accounts, and official tourist sites, making it the unofficial face of Tobago. It is a perfect place for stand up paddling, wading, and just enjoying some sun.

Pigeon Point Tobago Boat

Pigeon Point Tobago Island

Tobago Pigeon Point Pier


Tour the Cocoa Estate in Tobago

Though the Tobago Cocoa Estate has only been in business since 2005, the island’s history of cocoa as a cash crop has existed for much longer. The Estate’s tour offers an illuminating look back on Tobago’s past through the lens of this industry, as well as a tour of their own facilities which use modern eco-friendly cultivation practices. A rum and chocolate tasting is offered at the end of each tour.

Tobago Cocoa Estate


Argyle Waterfalls in Tobago

A popular swimming destination, Argyle Falls is a multi-tiered waterfall, which can be reached by taking a short hike into the forests of Scarborough. For about T$30, a tour guide will take you to the falls, pointing out the interesting flora and fauna in the area. The water cascades into three small bathing pools, each flowing one into the other. If you can swing it, you should go when it’s sunny. Not only will the hiking paths have less mud (and therefore be less slippery) but the rainbows from the falls’ spray are breathtaking!

Argyle Waterfalls Island of Tobago


Taste Doubles

Doubles are a local culinary specialty and common street food of curried chick peas between pieces of fried flat bread, known as “bara.” The filling is then topped with mango, coconut, culantro, tamarind fruit, and spicy pepper sauce. These sweet and spicy sandwiches are extremely popular and are eaten at any time of day as breakfast or even a midnight snack.


Caroni Bird Sanctuary & Wetlands Tour

The Caroni Bird Sanctuary is a mangrove wetlands preserve and home to numerous species of indigenous birds, bats, snakes, fish, and other wildlife. Boat tours of this area offer a fantastic in-depth look into Trinidad’s diverse ecosystem and the animals that live there—including the Scarlet Ibis, the island’s national bird.


Witness Sea Turtle Hatchlings

The leatherback sea turtle is the world’s largest reptile, and each year these gentle giants crawl onto the beaches of Trinidad to lay their eggs. Visiting between May and August will provide you with the best chance of seeing the young hatchlings dig their way out of the sand! It is also possible to join volunteer efforts to safeguard the turtles during this vulnerable time.


Where to Stay on Trinidad & Tobago:

In Tobago, I stayed at the Magdalena Grand, which is known as Tobago’s best oceanfront resort. This gorgeous resort sits on the Tobago Plantations Estate and offers miles of coastline, nature trails, and a mangrove forest.

In Trinidad, the Hyatt Regency Trinidad is located right in Port-of-Spain, just minutes from the airport, and it has an infinity pool view to die for.


Magdalena Grand Beach Resort in Tobago
Magdalena Grand in Tobago
Island of Trinidad Where to Stay
Hyatt Regency Trinidad


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  1. Ultra Lace says:

    Any reason Store bay wasn’t mentioned?

  2. Dominique says:

    I elated reading your article. I am a Trini living in DC and I am glad that you covered my country. Trinidad and Tobago has alot to offer any visitor. Like traveling to any country, one must exercise caution and use common sense. You failed to mention the Lake Asphalt pitch lake in La Brea. It is a site to see and steeped in history. I miss the food especially doubles (with everything), coconut water or a red solo soft drink morning, noon or night.
    Tobago is awesome. Laid-back chilled and the food is to literally die for.
    Overall, we trinbagonians are very friendly and hospitable.

    1. Christy Woodrow says:

      I loved my visit there! Thank you for reading!

  3. I am considering a family vacation to rest and research my Grandfather’s Trinidadian roots. Since there doesn’t seem to be any genealogy information online, maybe I would have better luck in person and vacation at the same time. Carnival sounds especially interesting for the young family members, but the safety and calm of Tobago might appeal to rest of the family. Where and when do you suggest?

  4. Emile Serrette says:

    I am a Tour Operator from Trinidad who specialize in exclusively “Off the Beaten Path” which really and truly is definitely the true inner beauty of Trinidad and Tobago that is NOT advertised whatsoever from our Ministry of Tourism nor its subsidiary company TDC. Trinidad is really a very beautiful island worth visiting in every aspect. One great advice though folks when visiting especially Trinidad……..know who you associate yourself with, especially if you travel alone.

    1. Hi, I am also thinking of visiting Tobago and heading to Trinidad to find my grandads roots. Is this something you would be able to help with please? Thanks

  5. John Cozier says:

    Next time you travel to Trinidad, you should also visit Asa Wright Nature Reserve and Valencia Nature Centre and Heritage Park. As a local, I would invite anybody to visit here. Just exercise due caution like you would in any country that you are visiting.

  6. Tobago is overrun with drunk Trinidadians every weekend while the murder rate rises in Trinidad..Both islands are not too bad to visit. Trinidad’s largest beach Manzanilla to Mayaros covered with garbage. Trinidadians throw garbage everywhere, drink and curse a lot. Best bet is to spend your money and time in Tobago


      Your negative comments are as a result of your simplistic subjective views. Trinidad is a beautiful island. Every country in the world has the same issues that you chose to specifically highlight for Trinidad.

      To everyone willing to enjoy a great vacation…come to Trinidad…you will love it.

  7. La Toya Hart says:

    The Hyatt is a great hotel, but it’s not minutes from the airport. It’s at least a half hour drive, and that’s on a clear day. With traffic it can take as much two hours

  8. Annelies Hamerlinck says:

    Wauw! It looks like paradise!

  9. Sharisse Hosein says:

    Hey Christy, I really loved the blog- you definitely gave me “tabanca” – the word Trinis (Trinidadians) use when we miss something we love. 🙂

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      That’s great to hear. Thank you for reading!

  10. DeJav Speller says:

    Trinidad and Tobago looks like a beautiful place that has good party life like all the other Caribbean islands.

  11. If I can add a number ’11’ to your list, I would add that eating bake and shark at Maracas Beach in Trindidad is a total must!

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      I actually tried Bake and Shark at Maracas Beach. Can you believe I wasn’t a huge fan of it?

      1. No i cant believe it, you MUST have done it wrong…….

        1. La Toya Hart says:

          Lol, I agree! Bake and shark is delicious!

      2. Rene C. Toyer says:

        i think everyone is entitled to their likes and dislikes… at least u tried it 🙂

        1. Ordinary Traveler says:

          @rene_c_toyer:disqus 🙂

      3. I saw where you don’t really like bake and shark. No problem. Some people don’t like ice cream.

  12. Trinidad is so high up on my bucket list! but….well..being from europe the travel time always scares me off. I hate being on the plane for more than 10 hours 🙁

    You pictures, however, really do convince me to go there. I am sort of undecided though. Was thinking St. Lucia or Haiti might be worth a visit as well ;D

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Such a tough choice! 🙂 I’ve only been to Labadee in Haiti and have yet to see St. Lucia, but I’m sure they all have their own charm.

    2. TriniJanJan says:

      Hi Norman, T&T is only 8 hrs flight from London, not that bad lol

      1. Yeah i know but i’d have to take a plane to london first 🙂
        besides i think that 6 hours is really the only comfortable travel time – everything else gets very stressful for me.

  13. The twin islands has its ups and downs but it is an awesome place. There is crime existing in trinidad but its all good for tourists. There are many enjoyments, food, liming, rum, places. there is many other nice places in tobago and trinidad to stay not just the ones mentioned above.

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      I would love to make a trip back to Tobago to see more of it. I loved the vibe on that island.

  14. Vitra P-Nabijohn says:

    Hi world …The twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago are really beautiful as well as the many cultures and races found here… I won’t sugar coat it .. There is crime but that’s doesn’t mean it’s a chance to not see for your self.. as with any other destination always practice caution and safety first. We are knows for out free sprits , party ‘limin’ and great food … try it all if u ever come here

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Vitra!

  15. Colleen Brynn says:

    My partner’s mum is from Trinidad, and all I ever hear is how dangerous it is there. I often find “locals” have a different perspective on this than travellers…. I have been trying to convince him to go for years now. I’m glad some bloggers are getting down there now to expose the better sides of this place!!

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Wow. I had no idea. I felt extremely safe there, but it may have also been about the particular places I visited.

      1. Andy Barca says:

        Tobago is beautiful and virtually crime free.

        Trinidad has crime hot spots. Stay away from there and you will be absolutely fine.

        The tourist areas are extremely safe to visit.

        1. Ordinary Traveler says:

          Good to know. Thanks, Andy!

        1. AchimHarding says:

          As a tourist, especially during Carnival, you will hardly see most of anything. There was only one time I felt uneasy was when I had my DSLR camera exposed on the ferry boat, and a man passed by looking like he wanted to take it away from me. Other than that I have not witnessed anything. Not even in “rougher” parts of TT. Tourist spots and hotels are definitely fine.

    2. I am a Trinidadian and i do not feel unsafe….that being said there are certain spots that you just do not go but the average person has no reason to go there anyway. Theft is high there so dont carry anything obviously worth stealing and you will be safe.

    3. TriniJanJan says:

      Hi Colleen, Trinis tend to harp on about the bad stuff so I would take all the complaints about Trinidad with a grain of salt. I returned to live after many years abroad so I know the differences in living here as opposed to the big countries. Things to note: do not flash the cash or jewellery; avoid the crime hotspots; always know how you’re getting back home, book your taxis in advance or have your local friend/family come get you; be cautious at night. Basically use common sense and don’t try to do stuff or go places ordinary middle/working class Trinis won’t.

    4. Another way to look at it is this. Should the constant news reports of violence and gun deaths in Chicago or New York or Florida or the many mass gun shootings in the USA stop tourists from visiting the USA as a whole or certain major cities in particular?

      I do not see why it should prevent someone coming to T&T. Most countries have a criminal underbelly and violence, running alongside an otherwise, normal, well-functioning society. The hot spots for that criminal activity in Trinidad are well-known, just as tourists know to avoid certain parts of Chicago or New York to have an incident free visit.

      1. Best remark ever. Folks act like other islands or ‘1st world’ countries are safe. BS
        Newark, Brooklyn, Trenton, stuepssss